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Thursday, November 27, 2008

Where are Kenneth Lay and Jeffrey Skilling now?
Ken was going to go to jail, but he died of a heart attack during a vacation trip in Snowmass, Colorady, three and a half months before his sentencing. Jeffrey Skilling's defense attorney is still trying to help him out of this situation, but the chances of him getting through this are very slim. Skilling is currently in a prison in Littleton, Colo.

The Effect of "hubris" in the Enron debacle.
According to the WordWeb dictionary, the definition of hubris is overbearing pride and presumption. Because of their pride, they lied to the board of directors, bankers, and their own employees about what was going on in the company. Assuming that lying about their actual profits and whatnot and thinking that everything will be alright, and everyone will be fine with it, is a huge presumption. By hiding all these things from the public for its own image and personal profit; this was the hubtis that led to Enron's downfall.

Reflections on the movie.
Yet again, like the article about Science Park, this large corporation is trying to cover up the truth. For the past year, we've also seen groups and businesses hiding the reality from everyone. For example, there were the food industries where workers were mistreated as well as the animal stocks. In the end, everyone is trying to hide their bad side, especially corporations that want to sell and succeed. The case of Enron was an extreme example. I kind of feel sorry for Lay and Skilling, though. Once you make a lie, you have to keep on making lies forever to support the previous ones. By the time they realized it was getting bad, maybe it was too late for them to back out.


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