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Monday, February 16, 2009
"The world needs crazy ideas to change things, because the conventional way of thinking is not working anymore."

This could not be any more true, and that is why two women in New Delhi went on a road tour around India this year, stopping in fifteen cities and dozens of villages, in a plug-in electric car that is also powered by solar panels on the rooftop. They went around making people aware that change is happening now, and if we take action, it is possible to replace our fuel-consuming and environment-polluting things with cleaner, innovative technology to contribute to climate solutions. 

I think what they did was really amazing, just two people undertaking such a large and noble project. They're not just talking about what we could do, but they're actually doing it. There are already many energy solutions starting in India, but they're spread far apart; this trip brought them together and showed people that these ideas are not that far off and out of reach.


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